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Is Your Senior Living Experience Buzzworthy? 5 Ways to Drive More Word-of-Mouth Referrals

Online reviews are one of the most important brand-building tools in senior living. (In fact, they’re so crucial that we have a multi-part blog series to help you get more five-star ratings.) 

But word-of-mouth referrals are just as important. 88 percent of people trust friends and family over every other form of advertising or recommendation. In the context of senior living, a word-of-mouth referral can encourage older adults and their families to explore communities that weren’t on their radar. And if they’re struggling to decide between two options, a loved one’s recommendation could tip the scales in your direction.

To drive more referrals, though, you’ll need a strategy to get folks talking about your community. In order words, you’ll need a buzzworthy senior living experience. In this blog, we’ll share three ways to make your community people’s go-to recommendation.

1. Host Engaging Events with the Local Community

Nothing beats a firsthand experience – and opening your doors to the local community is a great way to showcase what your senior living experience has to offer.

Traditional open houses are a good start. But think outside the box with ideas like…

  • An outdoor movie night.
  • A resident talent showcase.
  • A pop-up food truck festival.

Consider proactively partnering with local organizations, too, like a community choir for a night of holiday carols or a school group for arts and crafts. These experiences create memories and spark conversations – both in-person and online – that naturally spread the word about your community. What’s more, each event is an opportunity to subtly spotlight your amenities and let folks catch a glimpse of the vibrant energy that makes your community special.

2. Share Resident Stories

Resident stories are a powerful way to give folks an inside look at your senior living experience. They allow older adults to see themselves, say, playing pickleball with new friends or taking an embroidery class. And they help families feel confident that their loved ones will enjoy everything you offer.

To translate these stories into word-of-mouth referrals, consider sharing…

  • Resident spotlights on your blog that tell individual stories about how an older adult found their way to your community and what they enjoy most about the resident experience.
  • Video diaries on social media that highlight a day in the life of a resident in your community. (Instagram and TikTok are popular channels for this.)

These stories create an emotional connection with prospective residents and families. Over time, that connection can ultimately drive them to explore your community – and tell others about their takeaways.

3. Create a Resident Ambassador Program

Resident ambassadors can help you amplify the voices of older adults who are head over heels for your community. They can attend local events and webinars, answer questions on in-person tours, and serve as a one-on-one resource for prospective residents and families. 

To establish a successful ambassador program…

  • Choose the right residents. The ideal ambassador will be friendly, enthusiastic, and well integrated into the community.
  • Provide training up front. Make sure each ambassador feels confident sharing their stories in a number of settings. And give them the opportunity to volunteer for opportunities (whether a tour or a webinar) that they feel best equipped to participate in.
  • Encourage authenticity. This is their biggest superpower: a genuine experience is sure to resonate with prospective residents and families. On your end, encourage authenticity by focusing less on marketing talking points and more on the best parts of their time in your community.

An ambassador program is a great way to encourage leadership in your community. But more than that, a passionate advocate is invaluable when it comes to spreading word-of-mouth referrals. After all, they’ve lived the experience you’re selling – and that experience is bound to get folks talking.

4. Double Down on Family Communication

When families feel included and informed, they’re far more likely to speak positively about your community. Newsletters and social media are tried-and-true ways to build trust and reinforce the feeling that they’ve made the right choice.

But in today’s senior living environment, those efforts are merely table stakes. What really stands out to families: a community that makes it easy to interact with staff, learn about their loved one’s favorite activities, and handle administrivia (document uploads, signatures, etc.) hassle free.

A great family communication tool will let you do all of this and more. From one-on-one staff messaging to a digital activity calendar, the right self-service platform will make families’ lives easier. Just make sure there’s a mobile component for access anywhere, anytime. Combined with a clean interface, this tool can get families raving about their experience with your community – and help you stand out from the competition.

5. Highlight Technology that Enhances Resident Life

Maybe it’s your digital resident directory. Or your smart home devices in every room. Or your AI-powered activity recommendations that are always a hit.

For many residents, senior living technology is one of the best parts about your senior living experience. Our recommendation? Play up your tech-enabled resident experience across every channel to drive more word-of-mouth referrals. A few tips that can help:

  • Ask residents which digital tools they love most. This way, you can make your messaging around senior living tech as authentic as possible.
  • Spotlight that tech during info sessions. Don’t let it fade into the background; make sure folks understand exactly which tools you use and how it makes residents’ lives easier. 
  • Show residents using senior living tech on social media. When your tech is consistently visible, prospective residents and families will take note.

Senior living tech positions your community as modern and forward thinking. By playing it up, you can show your commitment to using technology that tangibly improves your residents’ lives.

Get Folks Talking About Your Community

Word-of-mouth referrals hinge on the stories people share about their experiences with senior living. And each of the elements we’ve shared can give folks stories worth telling to friends, acquaintances, and colleagues. Over time, the buzz around your community is bound to snowball.

But it’s worth reemphasizing just how big a role senior living tech can play in sparking these conversations. When residents and families see firsthand how technology enhances daily life, they’re more likely to mention it to friends and relatives. And with a partner like Icon, you can equip folks with senior living tech that gets folks raving about your community.Ready to start? Book a demo today or reach out to start a conversation – we’d love to help.

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