
Go Icon is built to support meaningful integrations that improve the resident experience and add value to communities like yours.

We offer multiple options for our partners to connect with Go Icon to share data and provide a seamless experience to our customers, and their residents and staff members.

API Toolkit

Icon offers a robust developer API toolkit that allows for sharing and distributing data with other systems securely, in real-time.


An authentication scheme that allows a user to log in to Icon and other integrated systems with a single ID.

ADT Integration

Utilizing HL7 and FHIR, this unique offering allows community users to self-manage clinical and pharmacy systems.

SFTP Data Transfer

In cases where we cannot establish real-time communication, Icon can share data through a secure batch SFTP file transfer.

Want to Learn More About Our Integrations?

2045 W Grande Ave, Suite B
PMB: 20577
Chicago, IL 60612